xterm title not setable

David Strozzi strozzi2@llnl.gov
Thu Feb 16 18:47:00 GMT 2006


I'm running a pretty new cygwin installation (started from scratch about 
a month ago) and can't get the title of an xterm window to be anything 
other than the current directory.  I'm running on win XP.  I start the 
cygwin X server, and get an xterm.  I then launch new xterm windows with 
"xterm -title foo", "xterm -T foo", "xterm -name foo", "xterm -e 
some-command", and always, the window's title, both in the window title 
bar and on the windows taskbar at the screen bottom, is always the 
current dir.  It seems I sometimes see another title briefly flash on 
the title bar, only to succumb to the awesome might of pwd...

Any ideas?

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