Cygwin/X and AIX - client 6 rejected

Doug VanLeuven
Mon Feb 20 23:53:00 GMT 2006

andrew pierce wrote:
> Hello. I am trying to use Cygwin/X for access to our AIX machines. I
> can successfully use Xceed to connect, export DISPLAY=<ip:0.0>, and
> run xclock or other x applications.
> I can't get the same results using Cygwin. Here are my steps:
> 1. Start Cygwin
> 2. type startx to open an xterm on my Windows machine
> 3. ssh -l <user> <aix machine>
> 4. Login
> 5. export DISPLAY=<win ip:0.0>
> 6. Run xclock

I don't have an AIX machine to compare, but ssh sets up display
forwarding normally and I would assume it works the same there.

after 3. ssh -l <user> <machine>

check env on remote machine.
Should be a DISPLAY=localhost:10:0
or something similar.

Step 5. would be overriding what is set up by ssh.

Providing /etc/defaults/etc/ssh_config on cygwin has "ForwardX11 yes"

and /etc/ssh/sshd_config on AIX has "X11Forwarding yes"
"X11DisplayOffset" defaults to 10

There could be other X11 trust issues as well, but setting up
X11 forwarding is done in the ssh config files.

Regards, Doug

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