XVT & Cygwin

sunil nicholaskoll@yahoo.com
Fri Feb 24 02:06:00 GMT 2006

I should have mentioned that I am running
version (version of xorg-x11-xwin package). 


Hi All,

We have an XVT based app that is running on a Linux
machine and the display is being exported to a windows
box. I am seeing slow refresh rate on some of the
operations when Cygwin X server is used, which doesnt
happen when Xvision and Exceed are used. 

The first time I click on the main menu bar, it takes
~15 secs to bring up the pull down menu. So if I
clicked on the 'File' menu then it takes 15 secs to
display the pull down menu. Then onwards I can click
on any of the other menus (like Edit, etc.) and they
comeup in less than 1 sec (as expected). But if I
click on any where else in the application, like the
drawing area, then it takes a while to refresh the
area that was covered by the pull down menu before.
This refresh problem is not seen when I am switching
between the menus, as above. After the drawing area is
redrawn and if I click on the main menu again, it
shows the slow responsiveness as above. It almost
looks like there is some kind of delay in the

I am new to debugging X server related issues, so any
pointers on how to debug this issue would be really

Most importantly this app works ok with both Exceed
and XVision. Any idea why Cygwin is causing this
problem. This issue happens on both Windows XP and
Windows 2000. XWin.exe is invoked with -multiwindow
-clipboard -slient-dup -error options. I tried setting
the -logverbose level to 3 but couldn't get any
information to help resolve the issue. 


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