Plotting from Python on Cygwin/X

Crider, Joseph A
Fri Jan 13 17:20:00 GMT 2006

My team has begun development of a new project to be written in Python.
One of our requirements is that we be able to generate some relatively
simple plots and save them in PNG or JPEG format.  I've looked at three
possibilities so far and encountered problems with all of them.

I started by looking at gplt from SciPy (version 0.3.2), but as far as
we've been able to determine, it is lacking some of the features we
need, especially the ability to do multiplot.

I next took a look at Gnuplot-py.  It installed easily, but the provided
demo failed to run.  I may try to resolve the problem if I find time,
but for now, I hesitate to spend much more time on it if the demos won't

The third package I've looked at so far is matplotlib.  We might be able
to get by for awhile without a GUI agg backend, but I don't want to put
myself in that corner.  But GTKAgg depends on pygtk, which I've been
unable to compile (I tried version 2.6.3 since Cygwin appears to use
glib v.2.6.6), and using TkAgg fails to build when it tries to load

Has anyone gotten one of these to work or found another package that
works?  Thanks.

J. Allen Crider

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