Getting an older version of cygwin

Larry Hall (Cygwin X)
Wed Jul 19 00:13:00 GMT 2006

Paul Wang wrote:
> Christopher,
> How do I obtain an older version of cygwin? I want to get 
> cygwin-1.5.18

This isn't a personal email list.  If you want to address someone
specifically, you should probably contact them off-list or at least
narrow down which of multiple Christophers you're addressing.

The cygwin-1.5.18 package is out-dated and not offered by
anymore.  That also means it's not supported by the Cygwin mailing
lists.  If you absolutely must have 1.5.18 for some arcane reason,
you can Google for the Cygwin Time Machine and be on your own for
any future problems you may have as a result of using this version.
A better approach is to report problems so that they can be addressed
in a future version of the cygwin package.  That way you are not
forever stuck in the past.

Also, this inquiry is notably not Cygwin-X specific.  As such, it
would be better to address questions like this to the main Cygwin
list.  I've reset the reply-to appropriately.  If you need to
follow-up for some reason, please heed that setting.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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