Problem with starting X server (alternate solution)

Larry Hall (Cygwin X)
Tue Jul 25 15:05:00 GMT 2006

Steve Freeland wrote:
> Apologies for not attaching this to the correct thread; I'm not subscribed
> to the list and don't really know how I should go about that.  But anyways.
> Regarding the "Could not open default font 'fixed'" message:  Stephen A.
> Goulet mentioned that he was able to fix the problem by following the
> instructions in the FAQ, substituting /usr for the non-existant
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 mount point.  Mariusz Janczak then replied that he
> didn't have a /usr mount point either.  I was in the same situation.
> The solution I found was to just umount *everything*: First /usr/lib, then
> /, and /usr/bin last because that's where the umount exe is located.
> *Then* reinstall the font packages.  That fixed it for me.  I suspect I
> only really needed to umount /, but I haven't tested that hypothesis.
> I'd sure like to know what the underlying problem is, though, it seems odd
> for this issue to appear out of nowhere in a working system.

You really need to subscribe to the list or keep an eye on it if you have
problems.  There's lots of information, current and historical, that you can
get from it which can help you but won't come to your email box without your
request.  Case in point, you would know what the underlying problem was if
you had been following at least this thread.  It's spelled out here:


You can't rely on someone else providing this insight to you personally.
If you're not on the list and/or don't read it, you will miss out on
answers to allot of your questions (even to some you haven't yet formulated

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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