XWin/XWin_GL ceased functioning all of a sudden

Adar Dembo adembo@gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 13:09:00 GMT 2006

A few months ago, I noticed that running startxwin.bat no longer popped 
up an X icon in my system tray. I did some investigating and saw that 
neither XWin.exe nor XWin_GL.exe do anything now. By "do anything" I 
mean "produce any output". When I run either one, they return almost 
immediately to the shell. When I run XWin.exe through strace, I get:

$ strace XWin.exe
--- Process 3956, exception 80000004 at 003E59F4

That's it. When I run it through gdb, I get a SIGTRAP, and then two 
SIGSEGV (as I hit 'c' to continue). Then it exits with code 030000000005.

Like I said, this happened some odd months ago, and I remember noticing 
that it wasn't tied to upgrading any Cygwin packages, but perhaps a 
Windows XP hotfix. The rest of my Cygwin apps seem to be behaving 
normally. I've attached the output of cygcheck; anyone have any ideas?

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