X quietly does nothing

Michael Olson olson@cs.odu.edu
Fri Jun 9 04:06:00 GMT 2006

Running Windows XP Professional SP2.

I had a fine install, but then a free win app bundling bits of cygwin & 
mplayer trashed my full cygwin install. I uninstalled the app, and then 
uninstalled cygwin. A fresh download and install.. and it still does the 
exact same thing. When I try to fire up X I get nothing, not a line of 
text, no log appears in /tmp, it just drops me to the next command 
prompt. It doesn't mater if I try the bat script, sh script, manually 
starting /usr/X11R6/bin/X from a cygwin prompt or XWin.exe from a CMD 

I did a search for rouge cygwin1.dll (I'm clean) files, and tried a 
cygcheck -c (Found incomplete font packages that I beleive is normal.)

strace says "error creating process".

Any tips on where to go with troubleshooting this?

-- Mike

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