XWin 100% CPU usage (Remote Desktop)

David Balazic david.balazic@hermes.si
Fri Jun 23 21:13:00 GMT 2006


I tried cygwin1-20060614.dll and the problem is gone !
At least I can't reproduce it.

Just in case, here are steps to repriduce it (with older cywwin1.dll) :
 - connect to remote Windows system using Remote Desktop
 - there start the cygwin bash shell (using the start menu entry)
 - in bash start startxwin.bat
 - close the new xterm by typing ctrl-D in it
 - right click the X icon in systray and select "Exit"
 - CPU goes to 50% (one entire CPU, my system has two of them)


 - connect to remote Windows system using Remote Desktop
 - there start the cygwin bash shell (using the start menu entry)
 - in bash type "xwin :0 -query some.unix.system.com -clipboard
 - close Remote Desktop (the session keeps running "in background")
 - start remote Desktop, reduce it's windows size (Options / Display /
   Remore Desktop Size), let's say from original 1024x768 to 800x600
 - reconnect to the same sessione on the remote system
 - result : X windows dead, consuming all CPU (50% on a 2-way SMP)

As I said , the new snapshot DLL fixes both scenarios.

Thanks for your assistance !


PS: CC me on replies if you want proper replies from me, as I am
not subscribed. Or lobby for a proper reply button on the web archives

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David Balazic                      mailto:david.balazic@hermes.si
HERMES Softlab                     http://www.hermes-softlab.com
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