would you mind answering this problem?

Alexander ping2weltall@gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 16:09:00 GMT 2006

Hi Phil,
thanks for reminding - I didn't see it because I expected cygwin to do 
the translation like it does within programs because of the ' '
But you're right. I was concentration more on his XWin dosn't start :)
He should append his new paths at the end of the statement anyway imo. 
So if he messes something up the rest of cygwin will still work.

export PATH="${PATH}:${G4INSTALL}/bin/${G4SYSTEM}:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java"


>Yoshida akira wrote on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:33 AM::
>>i had an error in attached file using cygwin.
>>would you mind answering how i can solve this problem ?
>>1. i set erroneous PATH statement in .bashrc :
>>   export PATH='c:/Program Files/Java':$/{PATH}
>>   :{G4INSTALL}/bin/${G4SYSTEM} 2. start cygwin and $ startx
>In cygwin, the colon is used to separate path elements, so 
>c:/Program Files/Java actually adds two paths "c" and 
>"/Program Files/Java", neither of which you want.
>Instead what you need is the Posix path which will be 
>"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java"
>export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program
>(assuming that ${G4INSTALL}/bin/${G4SYSTEM} is a valid Posix path)

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