Xwin freezing on startup.

Brett Serkez bserkez@gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 10:24:00 GMT 2006

> 1. I am not running Zone Alarm 5 and I have Windows firewall turned off.

I have found that turning the firewall off in some cases isn't enough
and/or is worse that leaving it on in diagnosing these types of
problem.  If you believe ZA is causing the problem, either turn it on
and allow the X-server and various programs or uninstall it
completely.  With it on, you should be prompted as each program trys
to make its first connection.

If you are running XP, the XP firewall may be on and causing an issue.

I've presuming you are running the free version of ZA, I have found
generally that the Pro/Suite version runs better generally and that V6
for both is a big improvement overall.

Start by ruling ZA in or out, which may come down to completely
uninstalling it, which may not be a bad thing as it will provide the
opportunity to upgrade it on reinstall.


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