XWin.exe uses 100% CPU when running windows installer

John Farrelly johnnyleitrim@gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 14:00:00 GMT 2006

I am having a problem on a Windows 2000 Pro machine where XWin.exe
uses 100% of the CPU continually when I run a program which uses the
windows installer. For example, I tried installing iTunes:  the iTunes
installation hung, and the CPU went up to 100%.  I had to shutdown
XWin, and then the iTunes installation continued.

I have seen this with some other program installations on Windows.

I use the command '%RUN% XWin -fullscreen -clipboard
-silent-dup-error' to start the server, and I use WindowMaker as my
WM, but it is the XWin.exe process which is spiking.

Any ideas?


[johnny@localhost] ~> uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 localhost 1.5.19(0.150/4/2) 2006-01-20 13:28 i686 Cygwin

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