xWin/Startx Messages re-direction

Balaji V. Iyer bviyer@ncsu.edu
Wed May 24 13:04:00 GMT 2006

Hi Everyone,
 	I use xwin with Cygwin and everytime I run the messages are printed
on the cygwin screen. Is there a way I can stop it or (redirect it to
/dev/null). The real problem happens when I am working on the cygwin window
and I get interrupted with these messages. 

I run xwin with this line:
XWin -multiwindow -silent-dup-error -nowinkill -unixkill

Any help is kindly appreciated.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Balaji V. Iyer.

PS. Please CC me in responding since I am not a subscribed member of this
mailing list.

Here is a small example of a message:

$ Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project

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