sending keys to cygwin (X)

Larry Hall (Cygwin X)
Thu Nov 16 19:01:00 GMT 2006

Bjoern wrote:
> Hello NG,
> I use cygwin to connect via 'X -query <IP>' from my ordinary PC to a Linux
> server. This works really fine. But on that server the vmwareplayer is running.
> In this vmwareplayer i have to log on a virtual Windows maschine and therefor i
> have to hit the CONTROL+OPTION+DELETE keys. But this will just open the task
> manager of the local Windows-PC. Is there a possibilty to send a combination of
> keys to the cygwin/X session?? And there is another question: is it possible to
> connect via cygwin/X to an existing session so that I could close cygwin and
> connect later again to this session? Thanks.

Why doesn't the standard VMWare alternative CTRL-ALT-INSERT work?

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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