printing under latest cygwin (xfig)

Colin Thomson
Wed Nov 22 08:36:00 GMT 2006

Last week I upgraded my Cygwin by doing a clean install of the latest 
version from the repository.

The printing command lpr now insists on having a server specified 
(option -S), whereas previously
it was happy with just -P//server-name/printer-name. This was not too 
difficult, but a more serious issue
seems to arise when printing from applications.

I found it difficult to get printing going with the application a2ps, 
and I have failed with application Xfig.

The Xfig documentation decribes how one can use a resource called

Fig*job_params*string:          -S134.32.101.152 -P//print-scr/col-g6

in the file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Fig to pass options to the printing 
command, and I set it as above.
However, it does not work.

I have tried other things, but given the difficulty I had with a2ps I 
am unwilling to persist. I think it
may be connect with the way the lpr command in Cygwin or Cygwin/x 
accepts, or does not accept,
from std input.

I am sending you this so you can pass on the message to whoever might 
be best able to look into it,
an Xfig, Cygwin/X or Cygwin developer.

Colin Thomson

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