1.5.21: startxwin.sh works, startxwin.bat does not work

Scott Fordin scott@ohelp.com
Mon Oct 2 02:44:00 GMT 2006

René Berber wrote:
> Scott Fordin wrote:

Thanks again for replying, René. Sorry it took me a couple of
days to get back to you. My responses are embedded below.

> OK, it seems that the startxserver is not even a valid script (I
> haven't tested, I don't have Singular, I'm saying that from the
> result you had).

Strange thing though is that it does work on another machine.

> Question: Why were you trying to start XWin with that bat file?  I
> don't know what it is for, but seems redundant.

Well, the way things install, a "Start X Server" shortcut is
installed on the desktop. It's more handy than opening a bash
shell and then running startx from there. I've tried configuring
a similar shortcut for startx, but I can't get it to work. Since
startxwin.bat fails with the same error as startxserver.bat, I
can't just use that on the desktop instead. I don't have a
standalone version of Perl installed, so I can't run the .sh
version of the script. I don't know how else to do it. I looked,
but I didn't find an answer, but do you know of a way I can pass
a shell command to bash.exe from the Windows command prompt?

>>>> I then tried the /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat script and got
>>>> the same error.
> [snip]
> Now to the real problem: are the files different?

There are differences, but none seems significant vis a vis
this particular problem. I've attached the diff output. I
can't even figure out where the lapack libraries are being

> They should be.  There is no reference to the Singular directory in
> the normal startxwin.bat file... check for symbolic or hard links,
> perhaps Singular's (post)installation is doing something wrong.
> I see no other explanation for getting the same error message.

Thanks again,

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