xterm issue

Michael Tilt miketilt@yahoo.com
Fri Oct 6 13:15:00 GMT 2006

I believe I have installed cygwin properly and previously I think I was able to get the appropriate behavior but since updating my installation, I'm noticing a few issues. I'm pretty much just looking to run a xserver and fire up a few xterm sessions to allow me to connect to multiple linux boxes and execute command there. startxwin.bat seems to run fine, I get the nice little X in the system try and most every other installed x-app works fine (eyes, clock, etc). Now for my issue. xterm seems to start fine (either from the start menu entry or from xterm in console), I get the new window however, however, it is completely blank. No prompt, no nothing. Now all the commands function appropriately, ps, pwd, cd, ls and I get the output in the xterm window. My guess is I'm missing configuring a file somewhere to configure my environment and setup at least a PS1. 
Any help would greatly be appreciated. 

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