gcc output from remote machine shows up strange on cygwin xterm

Russ Lewis webmaster@villagersonline.com
Wed Oct 11 02:20:00 GMT 2006

Brian Dessent wrote:

>Russ Lewis wrote:
>>I ssh from my local Cygwin installation to a remote Linux box (Fedora
>>Core 5 on AMD64). When I run gcc on the remote machine, certain parts of
>>various error messages show up strangely; things between single quotes
>>show up as the character â.
>That's UTF-8.  It happens because somewhere in your rc files on the
>linux machine the locale gets set to en_US.UTF-8 (or some other
>variation that specifies UTF-8) but you are not using a terminal that
>can display unicode.
>The solution is simple:
>Use a terminal that supports unicode.
>Modify your rc files to not set a unicode locale, or otherwise modify
>the environment as appropriate.  E.g. "export LC_ALL=C".
Thanks, guys.

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