Why don't I get an xterm ??

mp.griffin@qut.edu.au mp.griffin@qut.edu.au
Wed Sep 27 20:08:00 GMT 2006

Hi Charlie,

    Thankyou very much for your email, I very very much appreciate it !!!

    I have now turned off Norton Internet Security and used startxwin.bat instead. I then set the DISPLAY variable (according to the host name that I get from "hostname". I then type xterm to no effect (ie. it appears in the ps list but there's still no window). I have also tried starting again (after killing the X Manager) and setting the DISPLAY variable first (just in case this made any difference), and I get exactly the same result. Help ??

    Also (just as a yes/no/probably question as I know that this is off-topic) but I am also assuming that with a bit of trolling through the Norton stuff that I can find a better way of turning this off every time I want to use cygwin as opposed to doing it manually each time ??


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