ssh -x

Holger Krull
Tue Feb 6 23:11:00 GMT 2007

Marco Meoni schrieb:
> As far as I understand, with X11 tunneling I've an encrypted connection, whilst
> with remote connection I don't.

That is right.

> Besides, I can easily pass through several machines in one shot (my pc ssh
> server1 that ssh server2 and finally get back the GUI to my pc)
> But what from the speed point of view? Too many encrypting steps?

The encryption doesn't matter. It is the latency of your connection that matters (ping time), because the X proctocol isn't very efficient. 
You could add compression to the ssh connection if your bandwidth is low (-C), but that would also increase latency. 
To reduce the X11 overhead you can use lbxproxy or the nxserver if these exist on the remote Unix/Linux installation.

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