Clean way to auto-read ~/.Xresources

Gmane User
Tue Jan 30 18:33:00 GMT 2007

Gmane User wrote:
> I install cygwin as admin, and want to change the X resources for one
> of the user accounts.  Hence I don't want to change the global file
> /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm for different xterm font bindings.
> Instead, I put
>    xrdb -merge %HOME%/.Xresources

Correction.  %HOME% doesn't seem to work on Windows XP, though it works
on my Win2K box.  And I forgot %RUN% above.  I have the following new
and improved xrdb invokation immediately following the launch of XWin
in startxwin.bat, and preceding the launch of xterm:

	%RUN% xrdb -wait -merge ~/.Xresources

Fortunately, the squiggle gets passed to bash for interpretation.
Oddly enough, even though "-wait" follows "xrdb", it is actually a
switch for the run command, which is bundled up in %RUN%.  It ensures
that xrdb is finished before the startxwin proceeds to the line that
launches xterm.

If I was keener, I'd replace the xrdb line with an invocation to a
bash script that first tests for the presence of ~/.Xresources (I'm
not familiar with M$ scripting).  As it is, however, it causes no
problems when ~/.Xresources is absent.

> in startxwin.bat, after Xwin is launched.  Being aversive to changing
> global files, I wonder if there is a way for the user to decide where
> to put Xresource specifications to be automatically read?
> I notice that /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc causes ~/.Xresources to be read,
> but xinitrc doesn't get sourced regardless of whether I start X with
> startwin.bat or  I prefer to use startxwin.bat.

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