XWin 100% CPU usage for Java applications on Vista

Dr. Franz Fehringer fehrin@t-online.de
Sat Mar 24 14:45:00 GMT 2007


I can confirm the statement on Xming (i use 2003R2).
There is a slight drawback pertaining to the fact, that the Xming 
distribution contains less fonts than cygwin-xfree.
But perhaps the cygwin-xfree fonts simply can be reused for Xming?



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vladimir Nicolici" <vladnc@gmail.com>
To: <cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: XWin 100% CPU usage for Java applications on Vista

>> I had similar problems and found that starting the X Server with
>>  -engine 1 will help. Give it a try.
> I was experimenting with other solutions, and I found Xming, another
> open source project. Xming doesn't seem to have any of the problems of
> Cygwin/X.
> What's funny is that Xming has command line parameters very similar to
> the cygwin version, including the -engine parameter, with the same 3
> options. GDI, DD, DD no lock.
> Even the tray icon context menu and the about window are the same.
> I wonder why RedHat doesn't include this X server instead of Cygwin/X
> in the cygwin distribution, especially since, according to the
> Cygwin/X home page, the project lost its maintainer 2 years ago.
> --
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