X Server cycling when trying to connect to gdm/dtlogin.

Chris Eagan cmeagan@gmail.com
Tue May 1 19:20:00 GMT 2007

I am having the same problem...any solution?



I'm trying to use Cygwin/X to connect to remote machines' gdm or dtlogin
session managers.

If I run:

 -query <hostname>

I get the session login screen, can enter in my username and password and see
the desktop clear and appear to begin loading.  Then all of the sudden the X
window quits and restarts back at the login screen again.

This happens with both Solaris 10 dtlogin sessions and RH gdm sessions.  On
RH, if I choose "failsafe" (just an xterm with no WM), the login succeeds and
I get a single xterm.

Thought maybe this was a font issue, so I used the -fp tcp/<hostname>:7100 on

the command-line (yes, also modified xfs to accept tcp connections ...) but
the same thing continues to happen.

The XWin.log file doesn't show any errors that I can use to troubleshoot this,
and I don't see anything in the logs on the remote systems either.

Any hunches as to what the problem is?


(PS: I did add -logverbose 255 as well, but got no additional information).

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