Fwd: bzr-gtk installation

Frodak Baksik frodak17@gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 18:27:00 GMT 2007


I was wanted to try out the gtk interface of bazaar.  I downloaded the
file bzr-gtk-0.91.0.tar.gz from the bazaar website. There were no
errors during the installation.

When I issue the command 'bzr viz' I get the following error:
bzr: ERROR: PyGTK not installed.

So I thought their might be an issue with pygtk2.

$ pygtk-demo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pygtk-demo", line 7, in <module>
    execfile(os.path.join(pygtklibdir, "pygtk-demo.py"))
  File "/usr/lib/pygtk/2.0/pygtk-demo.py", line 18, in <module>
    import gobject
ImportError: No module named gobject

Any thoughts?

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