xterm not accepting Window Title name changes

Paul McFerrin pmcferrin@columbus.rr.com
Tue Oct 23 04:04:00 GMT 2007


I can't seem to get xterm to recognize Window Title name changes via the 

    echo "\0332;new_title\07\c"

I have added the following new lines to my .Xdefaults file with no effect.

    XTerm.AllowTitleOps:    true
    XTerm.AllowTitleOps:     true
    XTerm.allowTitleOps:     true
    XTerm.allowWindowOps:    true
    XTerm.AllowWindowOps:    true
    XTerm.vt100.AllowTitleOps:      true
    XTerm.vt100.AllowTitleOps:       true
    XTerm.vt100.allowTitleOps:       true
    XTerm.vt100.allowWindowOps:      true
    XTerm.vt100.AllowWindowOps:      true
    VT100.AllowTitleOps:     true
    VT100.allowTitleOps:     true
    VT100.allowWindowOps:    true
    VT100.AllowWindowOps:    true
    XTerm.vt100.utf8Title:   true
    VT100.AllowTitleOps:    true

and I have modified my "startxwin.sh script to start xterm the following 

    xterm -aw -b 5 +cm -rw -sb -sk  -sl 1500 -rv -e /usr/bin/ksh -l &

I thought it was working yesterday, but at this point I can't remember 
very much!  Yesterday, I only had the:

       XTerm.AllowTitleOps:    true

line in .Xdefaults and I thought it was working....

What am I doing wrong??

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