xterm not accepting Window Title name changes

Paul McFerrin pmcferrin@columbus.rr.com
Tue Oct 23 05:27:00 GMT 2007

Hum...  The PS1 setting. Nope, that's not the problem.

The root of the settitle() function is NOT the setting of PS1.  It's 
setting in /etc/profile is commented out.  In my local .profile, PS1 is 
set to just '$PWD'.  I have verified that there are no other hidden 
settings of PS1.

I tried your settitle() function, and the title remains unchanged: 
basename of the shell.

My posting in the archives envolves the use of 'rxvt' only and has 
nothing to do with xterm.  I always startup 'startxwin.sh' from a 
non-rxvt window (e.g. the console window).

Regardless what shell I'm using, it always seems to get it's basename 
into the window.  Hum....

Does anyone else want to try a stab at this problem?

Brian Dessent wrote:
> Paul McFerrin wrote:
>> I can't seem to get xterm to recognize Window Title name changes via the
>> following:
>>     echo "\0332;new_title\07\c"
> You were just recently posting in the thread where this came up before:
> <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2007-10/threads.html#00188> and
> <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2007-10/msg00202.html>.  Specifically, the
> default Cygwin prompt (PS1) contains characters that set the title so
> anything you do that doesn't involve changing PS1 will have no effect --
> or more precisely, your echo command above does set the title for a few
> milliseconds, until the next prompt overwrites it.   (In your rxvt
> example, you aren't starting a login shell and thus /etc/profile isn't
> sourced and PS1 isn't set, which is presumably why it works there.)
> Brian
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