Xdmcp too slow with SOME Linux accounts.

Holger Krull holger.krull@gmx.de
Tue Sep 11 13:31:00 GMT 2007

Michael Giroux schrieb:
> From this, it seems the response issue is somehow related to these clients.
> Since I'm only starting one client (Eclipse) the others I have no way
> of knowing what the others are.

Yes you do. 
Make an addtional connection with ssh and make ps print all processes for your account.
Or ask someone who is root to do so.

> To test the theory that this is the cause of the problem, is there any
> way to prevent these clients from starting and connecting to my XWin
> server?

But these clients get started by the login process on the unix/linux computer so we would need to know exactly how you connect and start eclipse for further advice.

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