Xdmcp too slow with SOME Linux accounts.

Jean-Claude Gervais jc.gervais@videotron.ca
Wed Sep 12 14:22:00 GMT 2007


	One alternative you could try is ssh-ing to the host you want to run
the programs on and invoking the programs directly and comparing the
graphics-update performance.

	In essence this means issuing the following command:

ssh -Y youruser@host program

The 'Y' parameter is very important, don't forget it.

All this hinges on whether or not the host has SSH enabled, and if it
does, it must also have X forwarding enabled.

Still, it won't cost you that much to try.

In the past, I have tried to use xdmcp like you have only to encounter
the same sluggish performance you've reported, so I've opted to use X
tunneling over SSH instead, which works great. 

The IS a drawback though, it doesn't give you the full desktop with the
background and everything you might be looking for, but in practice the
things you really want are the apps, anyway.


On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 06:56 -0700, Michael Giroux wrote:
> Is there an alternative to XDCMP that I could try to see if that
> protocol is causing the problem?
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