FW: How to create an icon to startx with no extra CMD.EXE window

Siegfried Heintze (Aditi) a-siehei@microsoft.com
Tue Apr 8 23:03:00 GMT 2008

Thank you for the responses regarding "-sb -sl 6000".

I had a quick launch icon that would execute "startx" in bash but that does not seem to use the startxwin.sh or startxwin.bat files. So I change my icon in my quick launch bar to this:

C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe /usr/bin/X11/startxwin.sh

So this starts the xterm with scroll bars and (I assume) 6000 lines of history. Hurray! Thanks!

 But I have this ugly console hanging around. When I kill it, it kills X as well. Is there a way to have an icon that does not create a superfluous console window?


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