X11 apps failing after upgrade

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Thu Dec 4 18:07:00 GMT 2008

Richard Toy wrote:
> Hi
> We get all the same issues described in [1].
> Furthermore, installing the Solaris patch mentioned in [2] made *NO*
> difference (we are using Solaris 9).


> Any suggestions as to how to progress this issue further?

If you are willing to do some further investigation, it would be a great help 
if you could:

* build the X server from source with debugging enabled
(no, don't run away! the autotoolized modular server is much easier to work 
with the monolithic imaked monstrosity)

Rebuilding the source *should* be as simple as:

1) Run cygwin setup, select cygport, the xorg-server source package; the 
packages for it's build-time dependencies, and devel packages corresponding to 
it's run-time dependencies.  The dependencies for xorg-server are listed in 
2) cd /usr/src/
3) edit xorg-server-1.5.3-3.cygport to add CFLAGS="-g -O0" to the line 
starting 'cygconf'
4) cygport xorg-server-1.5.3-3.cygport prep compile

I have made a start at updating http://x.cygwin.com/docs/cg/cygwin-x-cg.html, 
so you may find that helpful, but it still needs more work so don't take it as 

* run XWin under gdb, set a breakpoint on ProcXkbSetNamedIndicator, and tell 
me where and what the context is when it returns BadAlloc...

1) cd xorg-server-1.5.3-4/build/hw/xwin/.libs
2) gdb --args ./XWin.exe -multiwindow -clipboard
3) b ProcXkbSetNamedIndicator
4) run

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