cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

jose isaias cabrera
Thu Dec 11 20:45:00 GMT 2008

From: "Christopher Faylor"
> I could do the cygwin-xfree -> cygwin mirroring fairly easily and even
> prepend a "[X11]" to the subject.  Going in the other direction would
> require more work.  And, it seems like that would start to make things
> more complicated.
> We could adopt a convention of prepending [X11] or [Xorg] in front of
> X-related messages but I'm sure that people who don't want to see
> traffic wouldn't consider that an acceptable alternative to a separate
> mailing list.

You are correct.  This also involves more work on our parts, since we have 
to write email rules to delete any non [X11] or [Xorg] emails.  Plus, let's 
not forget the folks that will reply with non-X related emails about a 
cygwin emails, just because something in the conversation reminded them or 
another cygwin issue.


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