xterm startup failures under Vista 64

Ian Puleston ian@underpressuredivers.com
Mon Jul 21 22:52:00 GMT 2008


I've been seeing a problem opening an xterm window under 64-bit Vista, and a
search in the archives found this message which seems to be reporting the
same problem, but which never got any replies:

> From: yu xuesheng
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008
> Subject: X win can't start under vista 64 bit
> I am installing cygwin-x windows-gnuplot under vista 64 bit. After I
finished installing x
> windows(X11R6), it can't open the black bash window. A "X" is on the right
> of the disktop.

I see the same: when I run startxwin.bat the X server starts fine, but the
xterm window almost always doesn't open. What I've found is that if I run
this command (which is the exact same command run at the end of
startxwin.bat) usually nothing happens, but occasionally it will work and
open an xterm. Success rate varies from maybe one in 4 to about 1 in 30

/bin/run -p /usr/X11R6/bin xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l

When it fails there is no error reported. However, if I simply run xterm
directly rather than using "run" to spawn it I see the same (it usually
fails but works occasionally) but in this case when it fails I get the
following reported:

[bin]: xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l &
[4] 3512
[bin]:       1 [main] xterm 3512 child_copy: linked dll data write copy
0x9D9000..0x9DCF40, done 0, windows pid 968, Win32 error 87
xterm: Error 29, errno 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Reason: spawn: fork() failed

[4]+  Exit 29                 xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l

Is this a known problem? If so, any fix forthcoming?


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