Still seeking a Cygwin/X maintainer

Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
Fri Mar 14 04:09:00 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA256

Reini Urban wrote:
| You same to have no problem to update it regularly on your site.
| Don't you want to do it to catch up with GNOME and gtk2?

I had wanted to ever since modular X117.0, and the client code works
beautifully, but as I've mentioned several times, I got stuck on the
server not finding the fonts.  Therefore, I was resigned to using Xming,
which while missing the MIT-SHM extension, is a fairly good substitute.
~ But a BYOS (S=server) situation didn't seem appropriate for the distro,
so modular X117.0 stayed in Ports, where I've been keeping it relatively
up to date.

A recent hint to the cygwin-xfree list about using a static-only
libXfont allowed XWin to launch, but now:

1) the resulting build (1.3) had no X extensions available (not sure why);

2) the current version (1.4) doesn't compile due to API changes
elsewhere in the common code.

Now I have much less time than I used to for Cygwin development, so I
have yet to figure out either of these issues.  If the 1.3 server can be
made to work, maintaining the client code is no big deal; I've already
done most of the work, and being modular, several people should be able
to maintain X11 together.

In case someone else with the Ports' X11R7 is actually interested in
helping to figure this out:

1) rm -f /usr/lib/libXfont.*;
2) build and install a static libXfont (.cygport attached);
3) build xorg-server- (.cygport and patch attached).  The build
will stop during Xprint, but XWin will have already been built.  Try
launching the resulting XWin, run xdpyinfo, and no extensions are

I really need another set of eyes to figure out what I'm missing.  If
anyone can figure out what's wrong with XWin, I'll be happy to look into
it further.

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