X11R7.4 multiwindow ignoring title bars for geometry

David Rothenberger daveroth@acm.org
Wed Nov 12 03:03:00 GMT 2008

I just updated to the X11R7.4 release.

I start the X server in multiwindow mode using /bin/startxwin.sh. If I 
then type

   xterm -geometry +0+0

into the visible XTerm, the new XTerm shows up in the top-left of the 
screen, but the title bar is off the top of the screen and not visible. 
This makes it impossible to move the window. I have to use +5+30 to get 
it where I want. This isn't a problem when I specify the geometry, but 
does cause problems when I run other applications that open their own 
windows. Most recently, I had this problem with wireshark running from a 
Debian Etch server.

This is a regression from the previous X11 release.

David Rothenberger  ----  daveroth@acm.org

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