Login without password using rsh / rlogin

Albert van der Velde Albertvander.Velde@infor.com
Thu Nov 13 08:59:00 GMT 2008

Hello all,

Could you help me with the next problem I'm facing. I use Cygwin within
our company to automate some tasks on a Windows server. Thefor I
installed inetutils and use rlogind and rshd to login without password.
On Unix servers the functionality of logging in without password works,
but I can't get it to work on Cygwin. I get the impression that this
functionality has been removed. 

Please don't make any comments to use ssh and related stuf!! I know that
it is safer and I agree that it safer.

pluto		joe

I can ping pluto from the Cygwin system.

I can login to the cygwin sytem by entering my password and will be in
the directory /home/joe after login. 

The permissions of .rhosts are 600, so read / write for owner. 
Owner of .rhosts is joe. 

Directory /home/joe has permissions 700 and owner is joe.

Kind regards,


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