Fixing problems with new X11

Thu Nov 13 18:31:00 GMT 2008

Chuck wrote:
> I've got two questions about the new X11 package that got installed when
> I ran setup to update my packages today.
> First, it looks like all of the apps moves from /usr/X11R6/bin to
> /usr/bin. None of my windows start menu or desktop shortcuts got
> changed. Is there an automatic way to update them all to the correct new
> locations? It took me a while to even get an xterm working. I had to
> manually change the "start xwin" shortcut to
> "C:\cygwin\bin\startxwin.bat" to get anything to work.

The shortcuts to applications under the "Cygwin-X" menu all use "run" so I
believe still work after the move (if you can get the server started in the
first place)

I don't think the shortcut to "startxwin.bat" was created by cygwin setup.
(I've always had to make one manually)

So, while it's likely that a user will have a shortcut to that somewhere, it's
quite complex to do something helpful programmatically.

> Second, I want to get rid of the toolbar/menu at the top of every xterm.
>  What config file change to I need to make to get rid of it permanently.
> I don't want to have to specify +tb every time I run an xterm. I tried
> adding "xterm*toolbar: false" to my ~/.XDefaults files but that didn't work.

So near but so far: try "xterm*toolBar: false"

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