Warning: No xauth data

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Fri Nov 14 21:08:00 GMT 2008

Chuck wrote:
> Started getting this warning on ssh sessions that forward X11 after
> upgrading to the new X11 package yesterday. I forward X11 on all ssh
> connections via a line in ~/.ssh/ssh_config.

Hmmm.... it seems that ssh needs to run xauth to do connection forwarding, but
is still trying to use /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth, rather than /usr/bin/xauth (and
prints a slightly misleading message in this case)

In which case, until that is corrected somehow, you might add the following
line to your ~/.ssh/config and see if that improves matters


> I don't really understand
> X11 security (and never needed to up until now). Can someone please tell
> me how to fix this warning or point me to a resource that explains what
> it is and how to fix it? Google returned about 50 million hits and all
> I've found so far is messages from other people either asking the same
> question, or saying to just igore it. I'm not the type who likes to
> just ignore a warning if it can be fixed properly.

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