xorg-xserver-1.5.3-2: Dialogs that save their positions keep drifting downwards

Cesar Strauss cestrauss@gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 22:05:00 GMT 2008


There is a GTK application (gschem from www.geda.seul.org) that saves
the position of its sub-dialogs when they close, so they reopen at the
same place.

Up to now, on Cygwin/X, this didn't always work well: in multi-window
mode, dialogs kept reopening a little lower each time, by an amount
equal to the title bar height.

When xserver-1.5.3-1 came out, I was glad to see it was fixed.
However, the symptom reappeared on xserver-1.5.3-2.

A minimal testcase is attached, as well as the cygcheck -s -v -r output.

[I should add that both the application and the testcase works
correctly on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu Intrepid), that is, closed dialogs
remember their positions.]

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