Warning: No xauth data

Benn Schreiber benn.schreiber@gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 15:00:00 GMT 2008

Thanks for the hints on this, I've managed to get it working without
the warning message. Here's what I did:

bash$ xauth
xauth> add :0 . hexnumber   # I used FACEFEEDFACEFEED
xauth> add localhost:0 . hexnumber
xauth> exit

my .ssh/config has:
  ForwardX11Trusted yes
  XAuthLocation /usr/bin/xauth

Next, I have a little macro in .bashrc:

startapp() { (ssh -Xn $* &) ; }
declare -fx startapp

Then, to start a remote application (xterm in this case) I do:

bash$ startapp othernode xterm

I haven't done exhaustive testing, but seems to do the trick.

By the way, the new Cygwin/X bits are GREAT! Thank you for the great update!!!


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