XOrg 7.4 issues with -multiwindow

Uh Huh mikmod201@yahoo.com
Sun Nov 16 09:56:00 GMT 2008


Been looking for other reports of this issue, but seen none. Just upgraded to X Org 7.4, been having problems using -multiwindow mode.

Only the xterm started with the 'login' title (if using 'startx') is visible now - all other windows flash very briefly on the screen and then vanish without any trace except for an icon on the Taskbar. If starting windows via Start->CygWin/X->XWin Server, no windows are initially visible at all.

Created xterms are (presumably) on the screen, but completely invisible until you select right-click on their Taskbar icon and select 'Maximise', at which time they become visible and usable (except for the fact that they are too wide to run, e.g. 'vi' inside them).

I think the problem lies with the Windows-style window manager xwinwm? 

Running either rootless or fullscreen and any other window manager I've tried (twm, mwm, windowmaker), everything appears to behave pretty much as expected.



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