XWin Server starting everything offscreen

Mark A. Ziesemer online@mark.ziesemer.com
Sun Nov 16 22:26:00 GMT 2008

I just installed the latest Cygwin (1.5.25-15) and xorg-server (1.5.3-2) on
Windows XP SP3.

I'm just using the defaults, and starting C:\cygwin\bin\startxwin.bat.  If I do
this with only one monitor activated within Windows, everything works.

However, it seems that some part of this (the XWin window manager?) is getting
confused by the multi-monitor window geometry.  I have 2 monitors, 1280x1024,
with the primary on the right and the secondary on the left.  When starting,
the "X" taskbar button and tray icon appear, but no window is visible.  I did
find that it's hiding off to the right, and can be moved back by right-clicking
on the taskbar, choosing move, then using a combination of the mouse and arrow
keys (neither works independently).  While this may be a quick fix, the same
happens for every additional program opened, and every time I restart I have to
repeat this all again.

Additionally, when I choose to "Exit Cygwin/X", the confirmation dialog "...
Proceed with shutdown of this display/server?" is displayed split between my 2
screens, with half the text on one, and half on the other.  While still usable,
the typical practice would be to have this centered on the primary monitor.

My guess is that the window functions are just looking at the multi-monitor
setup as one big screen, e.g. 2560 x 1024, instead of the 2, 1280 x 1024
screens.  This would explain why the confirmation dialog is displayed split
across both.  It may also explain why all the windows are starting "offscreen".
 If they tried to center, they're probably starting at an X value above 1280 -
where 1280 is the max, and the secondary monitor is in the negative X

I tried replacing the "-multiwindow" with "-multiplemonitors".  While this
eliminates the offscreen issue, it eliminates the individual taskbar buttons
which would be very nice to have.  The screen is also still then seen as one
"large" screen, where everything still tends to center across the monitor
divide.  Additionally, items like the taskbar on the primary monitor cause an
equal void to appear on the secondary monitor, as it is just one continuous
area that must fit on both screens.

The closest posting I could find related to any of this is
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2003-05/msg00174.html ("PATCH: XWin
multiwindow+multiscreen for negative screen coordinates").

I am aware that there was just a pretty big upgrade here - and thanks for it.
I'm just looking to see if this is a current known issue, or if I'm missing
something on my end.  (Could this be related to the WindowsWM extension
currently being disabled?)


P.S. What is the preferred mail or news client for posting to this list
while meeting all the requirements?  gmane.org still requires wrapping the
lines at 80 characters, but doesn't offer anything to do it automatically.

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