[Solved]: XWin Server starting everything offscreen

Mark A. Ziesemer online@mark.ziesemer.com
Mon Nov 17 18:32:00 GMT 2008

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> I think I have fix.  I had the same and very annoying behavior that every new
> x11 window or frame appeared 'hidden' and had to brought into view via
> RightMouse -> Move followed by cursor keys.   I have a four-monitor setup.
> It appears that where the 'primary' screen is mattered.  My primary screen was
> the bottom-right one.  Changing that in Windows (right-click Desktop ->
> Properties -> Settings; select the top-left window, select 'Use this device as
> the primary monitor' and hit Apply) was the key.   
> Now with the primary window being window 1 at the top-left, all new x11 windows
> and frame appear there.  Much better!

Sorry, but I don't consider this a solution.  None of the other 
applications I use have any issues dependent on which screen is set as 
primary.  And there are specific, valid reasons why the primary screen 
shouldn't have to be restricted to the most top & left screen.

The primary screen, by default, is where dialog messages, etc., appear. 
  It also becomes the preferred "center of attention".  I.E., when I'm 
developing, my IDE is typically on the primary screen.  My web browser, 
email, and other "helper" applications are on the secondary screen(s). 
On my desk, my primary monitor is a nice LCD screen.  The secondary is 
an older CRT, and the only place for it is on an extension off to the 
left, with no room for it to the right.

Stating that the primary screen needs to be the most top & left screen 
is an artificial restriction that will only cause frustration for maybe 
half of all multi-monitor users.

Mark A. Ziesemer

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