tetex-x11, texlive, xdvi, and X11R7.4

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Wed Nov 19 17:59:00 GMT 2008

I mentioned in a different thread [1] that I've been trying to build 
texlive for X11R7.4.  Angelo Graziosi had previously built it 
successfully [2] using the previous version of X11.  [His build still 
works in X11R7.4 if one installs the obsolete libXaw8 package.]  I'm now 
able to get my build to complete, but the resulting xdvi program 
segfaults.  More precisely, it first spews out many warnings that say

    No type converter registered for '' to '

and then it segfaults.  I can run xdvi --version and xdvi --help without 
a problem, but calling xdvi with no argument or with a specified dvi 
file both produce the segfault.  BTW, xdvi can be compiled to use either 
xaw or motif, and I get the same behavior either way.

There is a cygwin version of xdvi in the tetex-x11 package, which Yaakov 
[3] listed as one of the packages that needs to be rebuilt for the new 
X11.  I'm wondering whether the tetex maintainer is planning to do 
this.  Note that tetex is actually way out of date, having been replaced 
in the tex community by texlive (or by the windows miktex program), but 
I'm hoping that someone more expert than I am will track down the xdvi 
problem in the course of rebuilding tetex-x11.  A better long-term 
solution would be for someone to make an official texlive package for 
cygwin, but that's a much bigger project.

Finally, I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone can offer as to 
how I can figure out why xdvi segfaults.  I'm not a programmer, and I 
have no idea where to begin.  I did try strace, but I don't know what I 
should be looking for in the output.  Here are all the lines containing 
the word "exception", if that helps:

--- Process 2444, exception C0000005 at 610DEFA1
  423 1298097 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: In 
cygwin_except_handler exc 0xC0000005 at 0x610DEFA1 sp 0x22CC44
   60 1298157 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: In 
cygwin_except_handler sig 11 at 0x610DEFA1
   37 1298194 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: In 
cygwin_except_handler calling 0x0
   38 1298232 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: 
--- Process 2444, exception C0000005 at 61016583
1927954 3226967 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: In 
cygwin_except_handler exc 0xC0000005 at 0x61016583 sp 0x22C738
  160 3227127 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: In 
cygwin_except_handler sig 11 at 0x61016583
   82 3227209 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: In 
cygwin_except_handler calling 0x0
   69 3227278 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: 
39975 3267253 [main] xdvi-motif 2444 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error 
while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)


[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2008-11/msg00116.html
[2] http://www.webalice.it/angelo.graziosi/cygwin/texlive/texlive.html
[3] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2008-11/msg00078.html

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