Upgrade woes.

cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Thu Nov 20 02:59:00 GMT 2008

Eric Roode wrote:
> I updated my cygwin the other day, as I periodically do, and I am very
> sorry I did so.  Here are some of the problems I have encountered.

It has always been the advice of this list that you should read the
announcements on cygwin-announce@ and cygwin-xfree-announce before
upgrading blindly.  Now, often you can get away with /not/ doing that, d
nothing bad will happen.  But if I ran setup, and saw 157 new packages
about to be upgraded...I might want to investigate a little before
clicking "continue".


But, as always, it's up to you. We'll happily refund all the money you paid.


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