Upgrade woes.

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Thu Nov 20 04:37:00 GMT 2008

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 06:58:05PM -0800, Back, Michael wrote:
>Christopher Faylor did utter a clarion call of great frustration unto the heavens:
>>On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 03:16:05PM -0800, Back, Michael wrote:
>>>Chuck wrote:
>>>>I think the frustration on some people's behalf is that this question
>>>>has been asked (and answered) maybe 50 times already on the list.
>>>Perhaps because people can't find the info.  they need in any other way
>>>than posting to this list?
>>You seem to be missing the point that if it was discussed in the list
>>you can use the list archive as a resource.  You don't have to just
>>blindly send email assuming that no one else would ever have asked the
>>same question.
>My point is that relying on a user to have the forethought, time, and
>patience to scour through a mailing list archive is probably not the
>most effective or convenient form of communicating common upgrade
>problems and solutions.

No one is relying on the user to do anything.  You seemed to be
asserting that the only way to get help is to send email without
bothering to check if someone has already asked the question.  One
glance at the mailing list archives for this list would show that
something was going on and a little bit of effort would get questions
answered without having to send email and then wait for a response.

Yaakov and Jon are modifying documentation as they go along.  They have
mentioned that in this mailing list and you can see activity on the
xfree.cygwin.com web site.  Having to stop to answer the same question
repeatedly isn't really helping them in that task.


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