Bad XTerm Vim coloring

Thomas Dickey
Tue Nov 25 03:12:00 GMT 2008

On Mon, 24 Nov 2008, Thomas Dickey wrote:

> I'd expect that vim is asking xterm for the strings that correspond to
> different function-keys.  In ctlseqs.txt this text covers the response:

...reading vim's source code (7.1 at hand...), there doesn't seem to be an 
obvious way to turn off the feature (the "+termresponse").

However, it seems that vim is only asking for this information when it is 
not finding the details it wants in the _termcap_ (and since vim is 
apparently using terminfo, which gives an empty buffer, it'll always ask 
for the information).

Cygwin's xterm package (doing a strings on the binary) appears to be 
linked with termcap - but if it cannot find a termcap, it'll fallback to 
something possibly incomplete or inaccurate.  (I'm not sure what that
would be, but was interested to note that the strings on xterm showed
there's a termcap for "cygwin";-).

>> Just in case it means anything here is the vim configure options:
>> :version
>> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Oct  9 2008 15:23:22)
>> +tag_old_static -tag_any_white -tcl +terminfo +termresponse

Thomas E. Dickey

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