xmgrace and xmhtml hang in XR7

Rodrigo Medina rodmedina@cantv.net
Tue Nov 25 18:13:00 GMT 2008

I am updating to XR7. I have problems with xmgrace and xmhtml.
Both programs behave similarly, the program runs consuming
 50% of the CPU time, but the window never appears.
The process cannot be stopped with kill -9

$ ps
     2668       1    3612       3380    0 1008 12:08:03 /usr/bin/XWin
     2616    3844    2616       3124    2 1008 12:17:55 /usr/bin/xmgrace

$ kill -9 2616
bash: kill: (2616) - Resource temporarily unavailable

I had to use the task manager in order to stop the process.
Some outputs of cygcheck and the XWin.0.log file are attached.

I have set
export KEYSYMDB=/usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB

I have run rebaseall, but nothing changes.

I had no problems with other X programs, from the cygwin distribution
or my own programs.

I hope that someone has some solution.
Thanks to all the team for the extraordinary work done with the XR7

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