
Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Mon Sep 15 02:04:00 GMT 2008

On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 04:11:19PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
>On Sun, 14 Sep 2008, wehmann@fnal.gov wrote:
>>2) I don't see that rman needs an X-server, so it is puzzling why it is
>>found where it is.
>It's there simply because the program was useful for XFree86, and the
>original version didn't generate very useful html.  (iirc, about 10% of
>the resulting files were too badly mangled to read).

That's interesting.  It sounds like when/if we finally release an updated
version of X, rman should be in its own package.


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