[1.7] Updated: cygwin-1.7.0-45

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Mon Apr 6 16:09:00 GMT 2009

Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Now that cygwin supports UTF-8 in a standard fashion, I think it's time 
> to also add Unicode fonts to the Cygwin/X distribution. Otherwise the 
> additional value of running xterm or rxvt in UTF-8 mode is quite limited.
> I would be willing to provide the Unicode versions of the standard 
> "misc-fixed" fonts (source: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.html) 
> as a package maintainer, if that's accepted.
> (I would appreciate some positive feedback before taking the effort 
> to prepare the package.)

I think this is a great idea. Please do prepare a package and post an
official ITP (I'm not sure if X-specific package proposals should be
ITP'ed on cygwin-xfree or cygwin-apps).

I'm hoping that cygwin-1.7 + rxvt-unicode-8.x (+ ncurses configured for
wide char support?) will replace the need for your earlier "unicode
shims" contribution to rxvt-unicode. It'd certainly be easier to test
that with some unicode fonts already in the distro...

It might also be a good idea to supplement the existing
font-bitstream-vera-ttf package with the DejaVu fonts
http://dejavu-fonts.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (or DejaVu-LGC
[Latin-Greek-Cyrillic] for the less-ambitious). Fedora packages them as
since unicode fonts can get rather large...


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