X11R7.4 and Webex problem, X apps hang

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Mon Aug 3 04:27:00 GMT 2009

On Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 03:41:41PM +1200, Chris LeBlanc wrote:
>Just wanted to mention a bug I've seen with Cygwin, X11R7.4, and Webex
>(a Java based meeting and collaboration tool, www.webex.com).  Webex
>has the ability to share a users desktop or individual applications
>with other people logged into the meeting.
>I can run X11 apps from Cygwin nicely, but if I try to run a Webex
>"share application" session, it will cause the X11 apps to hang.  I've
>been able to use Webex and Cygwin/X prior to X11R7.4.
>Unfortunately, there is no information in the X11 logfiles.  Also,
>Webex is a closed source Java program, so I have no control over it.
>As a test, I tried running a few Cygwin X apps, but using Xwin32
>instead of Cygwin's X server (under Windows 2000).  This didn't crash
>with Webex, which indicates there is some problem between Cygwin's X
>and Webex's share application feature.  Cygwin is at version 1.5.25-15
>(updated a couple weeks ago), xorg-server is at 1.5.3-7, and cygcheck
>doesn't show any problems.
>Sorry in advance for the vague bug report, but its a difficult problem
>to debug.  I've suggested our company switch from Webex to a different
>product (one that also works under Linux), but they prefer to use
>Webex and have asked that I submit this as a bug report.

Given how webex operates, it sounds to me like this is more of a bug
in Webex than it is in Cygwin.


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